CILU Strongly Supports the Open Space Funding Referendum -
2021 Municipal Question #1

On Election Day 2021, Holmdel voters will decide on Municipal Question #1 for increasing Open Space Trust Fund revenues. The current Open Space Tax is 2.5¢ per $100 of assessed property value. If approved by voters, the tax will rise to 3.5¢. This fund, which was established in 1998, has been used for the purchase, preservation, and maintenance of hundreds of acres of Holmdel's open space.

Citizens for Informed Land Use (CILU) was on the ground floor for establishing the Open Space Trust Fund and continues to support it today. No one wants higher taxes but we should understand the value of protecting Holmdel’s remaining open spaces.

 Conserving land enhances natural environments for the community’s enjoyment and recreational use. It also provides healthy habitats for indigenous plants and native wildlife. Rainwater from Holmdel’s fields and farmlands feed the reservoir's watershed, which is vital to Monmouth County's water supply. Undeveloped lands and their vegetation contribute to filtering clean air. In addition to these environmental benefits, the pristine vistas of preserved farms, forests, and parkland are inherent to the character and history of our community. Fiscally, open space has proven to stabilize taxes. Residential and commercial ratables incur infrastructure and service costs not needed with open space. Furthermore, communities focused on preservation of farms, woodlands, and streams have higher property values than those that don’t.

For these reasons, CILU urges you to VOTE YES to Municipal Question #1 on November’s ballot.